From Pimples to Moles: A Website About Dermatology

How Do Dermatologists Help Their Patients?

The field of dermatology is the study and treatment of skin and skin-related ailments. From pre-teens to seniors, no one is ever too young or old to utilize the services of a dermatologist. Here are some of the ways that dermatologists can help their patients:

1. Diagnose and treat skin conditions.

Some people have naturally sensitive skin that may become irritated due to certain common skincare ingredients and fragrances. However, some skin conditions can masquerade as mere sensitivity. For example, if your skin is often red and hot to the touch, you may suffer from rosacea. Rosacea can present in many different ways, including in combination with acne. People with eczema may deal with exceptionally dry and flaky skin that sometimes causes itching and pain. Dermatologists can diagnose these skin conditions by listening to your history and examining your skin during a flare-up. Your dermatologist can help you find a treatment that works for you, so you don't have to suffer from itchy, painful, or dry skin.

2. Screen for skin cancer.

Skin cancer is a serious illness that can have life-threatening consequences. Fortunately, most cases of skin cancer can be cured when diagnosed promptly. Dermatologists can offer full-body skin cancer screenings in their offices. These screenings allow dermatologists to identify suspicious moles and lesions that need to be biopsied to test for the presence of cancerous cells.

3. Clear away misconceptions about skin health.

There are many myths and folk remedies relating to skincare. Some of these myths may be ineffective at best, but some of them can be harmful. For example, lemon juice, a popular ingredient in homemade skincare supplies, can cause photosensitivity that can lead to bad sunburns and skin damage. Your dermatologist is a wealth of information about skincare. They can clear up misconceptions about skin health and give you a scientifically proven skincare regimen tailored to your needs.

4. Get the prescription treatment you need to combat acne.

Mild to moderate skin concerns may be treated with over-the-counter supplies. Commercially available face washes, moisturizers, and acne scrubs are often useful, and your dermatologist may be able to recommend some products that will benefit your skin type. However, some people require prescription treatment for their acne. Dermatologists can prescribe retinoids that can eradicate acne by increasing the rate of cellular turnover in the skin. Oral medications, such as Accutane, can also be used to treat severe acne. Seeking professional treatment for your acne can help you achieve clear skin and avoid permanent scarring.

For more information, a clinic such as Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists can be of help.